Sunday, October 6, 2013

Some New Projects, and Old Ladies

No disrespect to the old ladies of course. Today is Blessing of the Animals at church, so after confirmation classes, I headed back to church with my hamster (Bandit). Those old ladies scare me sometimes, to be quite frank- either they sound like they're going to drop at any minute.... My hamster was rolling back and forth on the bench during the service (I have a hamster ball) and the two ladies behind me were watching it like hawks. I'm not quite sure whether it was because they were curious, or didn't like the noise it was making, or whether they were afraid it was going to bust out of the ball and attack them.

During the singing they sounded like they were going to die (no offense). They were singing with these ridiculously high, wobbly  voices that made them sound like they we're being shaken around violently. Man though, if they were gonna drop, they weren't afraid of it! They belted out those songs at the top of their lungs like nobodies business!

I'm working on a scarf and have been collecting bottles I want to turn into wind chimes or glasses. I also spent 7 hours (I kid you not, from 9am-3pm) cleaning my room. Then my mom gave me chores to do today. Bugger.

Got homework to do!
Cheers Mates!

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